Many diseases knock due to bad routine, wrong diet and stress, do prevention like thisThe Risk Of Stroke Increases Of These Bad Habits, Do Prevention
These include obesity, diabetes and blood pressure, etc. Along with this, the risk of stroke also increases due to bad habits. A brain stroke is a disease caused by a disturbance in blood circulation to the brain. On many occasions, the blood vessels get blocked.
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Due to this, the brain does not get enough oxygen. At the same time, there is a lack of nutrients in the brain tissue. If the treatment is not done on time, the patient may even die. According to research, the risk of stroke increases with the use of birth control pills.
For this, women are more prone to stroke than men. Also, due to many bad habits, the risk of stroke increases. These need immediate improvement.
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Come, let analyze these bad habits-
Alcohol abuse
Many types of research have revealed that the consumption of alcohol has adverse effects on health. Especially binge drinking increases the risk of stroke. Binge drinking is the drinking of 5 or more packs at a time.
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For this, reduce the consumption of alcohol. According to experts, consuming more than two packs of alcohol can lead to an increase in blood pressure.
Stroke: Controllable and Uncontrollable Risk Factors
To smoke
Smoking is injurious to health. This increases the risk of stroke. Along with this, there is also a bad effect on the heart and respiratory system. Quit smoking for this.
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Not working out
Due to not exercising, not only does weight gain starts, but many other diseases also knock. This also increases the risk of stroke. Do work out daily to stay healthy.