Sunday, December 19, 2021

Know 5 Benefits Of Eating Peanuts In Winter

If your childhood was spent in North India, then you must have seen peanuts sold on the streets every winter. 

As soon as the winter season comes, the carts of groundnut, chikki, gajak start appearing on the roads. 

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But have you ever wondered what is the relation between the winter season and peanuts? Why do peanuts start getting in the markets as soon as it gets cold?

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In fact, peanuts are rich in nutritional elements, and eating them brings many benefits to health. Apart from being rich in protein, good fats, micro and macro-nutrients are also present, which protect you from many diseases. 

Also, peanuts are not as expensive as almonds, cashews, walnuts. Peanuts can be eaten boiled or roasted.

5 benefits of eating peanuts in winter

1. To lose weight

If you are trying to lose weight, then peanuts can help you in this task. Peanuts work to reduce appetite, but do not eat them excessively.

2. Protein

There are about 25.8 grams of protein in 100 grams of peanuts. It is a good plant-based protein source, hence very beneficial in winters.

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3. Heart health

These crunchy snacks can help you manage several factors that increase your risk of heart diseases. It also works to reduce bad cholesterol.

4. Blood sugar level

Peanuts can also be included in small amounts in the diabetes diet.

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5. Minerals and Vitamins

Peanuts provide many nutrients at once. They are a great source of minerals, vitamins, protein, omega-3, omega-6, fiber, copper, folate, vitamin-E, thiamine, phosphorus, and magnesium.


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